
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

one year old.

 One year, how is that even possible?

Today Josiah is one year old.  We have been blessed to have him in our family for 365 days.  This baby is the one that made me realize what a blessing each one is.  How you really cannot ever take a child born healthy for granted.

He is all boy in every sense of the word. 

Loud, very loud.
Fast.  {I am in no rush to teach him to walk, I already can't keep up with him.}
Curious.  Does it make noise?  Does it open?  Can I break it?
Hungry, always hungry.
And smiley.  I love that big slobbery grin.

Thank you Lord for this child of ours.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Post Becky! And he IS adorable, but all three are!! You are blessed!!
