
Monday, August 26, 2013

"spooooooky cave"

The kids and I were able to camp with some friends for a couple of days at the beginning of August.  It was at a nearby campground called spook cave.  Of course this lead to Kailey repeating "spooooooooky" as many times as possible on the short drive to the campground.  
Short-drive-turned-unbearably-long, that is.

It was a good dose of real camping for the kids.  While we love visiting Yogi Bear campground every year, that trip can almost feel like a small scale amusement park for the kids.  At this campground it is just you, the little lake area, and whatever you bring for entertainment.  Perfect for kids who need to stretch their imaginations during the summer.  :)  And yes, both girls went through the cave tour by boat with me, and there were no tears.  {I on the other hand had a moment of wanting to slide over the side, and swim back out.}

Campfires + Sparklers are always a big hit.

{And that my friends is how messy you are supposed to look if you have properly enjoyed your s'more.}

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