
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

another birthday party.

We celebrate birthdays for a solid month in our house.

The worse part?  It's a month of constant party planning.

The best part?  It's a whole month of party planning. 

To try and help out family members we have one "family birthday".  This year we celebrated Eva's 7th birthday, Kailey's 4th birthday, and Josiah's 1st birthday!  

{And it just so happened that the party fell on Loren's 33rd birthday.}

This year's theme was "down on the farm".  The color pallet was based on the awesome plates I found from Meri Meri

The triangle stickers look similar to the ones from my surprise 30th party, don't they?  Well that would be because I had to have Heather make some for this party!

 Love this picture of Josiah with two of his Great Grandmothers!

Isn't it always fun to try and show your one year old how to open a present? 

The kids also colored farm animal masks.  They were super cute, and somehow I managed to forget to get a picture of the little "animals" running around!

Love these big girls!

Josiah loved his cake.  Honestly I was impressed at how little of a mess he made.  
{Although there was plenty in the seat of his highchair when I pulled him out!}

I am so thankful for these three children.  What a blessing to have each one in our lives.

Love you kiddos!


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