
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

one more {spring baby}

If you've been reading any of my recent blog posts you would know that babies have been the theme around our farm lately!  Well this past week the most important of all spring babies made her debut.

Meet my newest niece: Annilie.  
Born on 5/13/13

 {Annilie's big sister is introducing her to Josiah.}

I'm so thankful I was able to take the three kids to the hospital to meet her.  We arrived just moments after her birth.  Wow, does that girl have a set of lungs!  
{I can't believe how my baby doesn't look like a baby anymore.}

Eva meeting her new cousin!

Kailey was so proud that she was big enough to hold sweet Annilie.

Hopefully we get to see her again this coming Saturday!  I need some more time holding 
this precious bundle of life.   


I also have to add this picture of Eva at her 1st grade spring concert.  The 1st graders square danced.  
It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen at a music concert!  

I was impressed at how well the students knew the square dancing steps.  
Job well done 1st graders {and their music teacher}!

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