
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

turning four.

Well I guess you can say I've taken a six week vacation from blogging.  We have been busy traveling and enjoying summer.  I'll have to make an effort to catch up for lost time these next two weeks!

The past two days have been busy celebrating Kailey's fourth birthday.  It is unbelievable to me that she is four years old.

Yesterday her sweet sister made her breakfast in bed.  {Mind you this requires Kailey to go back to bed after Eva finally gets up.}  Eva made her toast and applesauce.  The dimples on Kailey's face when she saw her breakfast were absolutely priceless.

She also got to have a special supper, menu picked by her, and some cupcakes with Grandma and Grandpa in the evening.

Today the real excitement occurred for this now-four-year-old.  She got to have her first friend birthday party!  {Most of my supplies came from Target, Kara's Party Ideas, and Shop Sweet LuLu.}

We squeezed in a couple of circus games, and even "hired" a clown.

{Yes, that is Eva.  Won't she love me for this picture at some point in her lifetime?}

What a great way to end our celebration of her fourth birthday!  I am so thankful for this sweet bundle of energy who constantly challenges me as a mother, and makes me grow as a person.  

{And today further confirmed what I already knew.  I could not ever teach preschool.}

{I think I need more coffee...}

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  1. Looks like she had a good time on her birthday. Happy fourth Birthday Kailey. Love you.

  2. Such a cute little party! happy birthday Kailey!
