
Friday, June 28, 2013

ten months

We were camping all this past week when Josiah hit the ten month mark.  
It is hard to believe that we are under two months away from him turning a year old!

Josiah l.o.v.e.s. to eat real food.  Guess I need to find something to do with my frozen baby food.  
One of his favorites is a cereal bar for breakfast.  {It is always a complete disaster.}

He is also doing more crawling off his belly.  It is so cute to watch him go wherever he wants.  
{Of course, this also means he just gets to the forbidden things faster.}

I have FINALLY heard a ma-ma.  
He has been holding out on me saying almost every consonant sound but the "m". 

These quiet moments seem to occur less and less, 
but that means I just enjoy each one a little more than the last.

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