
Friday, November 23, 2012

So Much To Be Thankful For

Our family of five made the long trek to Michigan for the Thanksgiving weekend.  (Wow, what a long car ride!).   Thursday was full of lots of food, family, snuggling, and sleeping.  All of my favorite things!  Because of the long drive my contribution to the dinner was the decor.

Room to write what we are thankful for on the table.  It was fun to read all of the thankful thoughts.

Kid table - "I'm thankful for you" and "You are a blessing".  With room for doodling!

{Wow -that was a lot of delicious food!}

I hope you enjoyed the day of Thanksgiving with your family, and took sometime to think about the blessings in your life.

I have so much to be thankful for:
My Lord who was willing to save me when I did not deserve His love.
A husband who loves me during the fabulous days, and the crazy days.
Three healthy children who keep me constantly moving.
And so many other family and friends who are a constant blessing.

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