
Thursday, May 9, 2013

baby chicks

Finally our baby chicks have arrived.  Fifteen cute little furry fuzz balls that seem to grow at a tremendous rate of speed!

They were set to arrive on Monday morning.  However, some kind soul in the Dubuque Post Office took pity on the little chirping babes and dropped them off at our home Saturday evening on her way to another location.  
{Isn't it wonderful that there are total strangers out there willing to do that for another person?}

So, regardless that it was bedtime, and that the kids had already finished their baths, the girls had to stay up extra late to help unload the chicks.  When they are first put into their pen you are supposed to dip their beaks into the water.  It was a little tricky getting the girls to only dip their beaks.

I honestly thought a few would drown right before our eyes because their entire heads 
were put under water!

After they were all safe in their new home and each had been properly squeezed {I mean stroked and cuddled} we were able to convince the girls it was time for bed.

The next morning I found this in the garage:

Obviously when there is something this exciting in the garage correct attire is completely optional. 

Thankfully all fifteen are still alive, but I credit part of that to Kailey's daily prayers 
that none of them of will die.

Any guesses as to how many more days before cleaning out the chicken shavings is no longer an exciting job?


  1. I LOVE THEM ALL! Cannot even wait to be introduced to them all next weekend :) <3

  2. Eva told us they poop a lot! Also pointed out dark spots in pictures were poop! :)
