
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

a use for old fence posts

Rummaging through the back room of one of my favorite places, Savvy SalvageI came across a set of four perfectly destroyed fence posts.  Or maybe they are table legs?  {I'm still not sure.}

I loved these old fence posts as soon as I spotted them!  However, the question was, what would I do with them?  My first thought was how beautiful they would be surrounding a fireplace.  The only problem with that scenario is that I don't have a fireplace.  {minor issue}  I couldn't take these beauties home to my husband without an explanation of why I felt the need to buy all four....

Thankfully Heather was with me and suggested I frame my newly painted door.  Genius!  They sure do add character and lots of color to my rebuilt entrance way!

Is there anyone else out there with an interesting door frame?  Or an exciting use for old fence posts?  You know I could always use ideas for a new project, or excuses to buy more old fence posts!

{And yes, that is a bug zapper inside of my garage.  And yes, we really do have that many flies.}

This post was featured on:

My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaPhotobucketToday's Creative Blog


  1. That is SUPER swell. I like. :) Thanks for sharing on THE KORNER!!! WOOT WOOT!!! You don't even know how excited I was to click over and DUDE, this is BECKY'S! Haha

  2. and an FYI, you gotta shut that comment code spammer detector thingy-ma-bobber off!! ;)

  3. I love the idea of framing the doorway with the posts or legs. That red patina is the perfect touch for your entry.

    1. Thanks! I am so please with how it turned out.

  4. So creative to use them to frame your door! Love your blue door too!

    1. Thank you! It all helps detract from the farm dirt when you enter the house!

  5. I think they are spindles from porch railings? Maybe?

  6. Wow, that is just beautiful and creative! Great job.
